Our hotel rooms

Arrive and relax

Everything you need to feel at home! Our single and double rooms are furnished in a modern, yet cosy style, and equipped with a shower, WC, hair dryer, make-up mirror, balcony, flat screen TV, phone, WiFi, safe, and mini bar as standard features. If you have any questions or requests, please contact us. The Dreyer family wishes you a good stay in Bad Rothenfelde! 

Außenaufnahme von einem Balkon mit einem Blumenkasten mit roten Blumen
Braunes Holz Bett mit beiger Bettwäsche vor einer Stein Wand. In der Ecke steht ein grüner Samtsessel.
Holzschreibtisch mir einem Stuhl davor und an der Wand hängt ein Flachbildschirmfernseher. Links steht ein kariertem Sessel
Müsli in Behältern und Waffeln auf einem Teller
kleine Erdbeer-Feta-Häppchen auf einem Teller drapiert
Frühstücksbuffet mit verschiedenen Köstlichkeiten

Breakfast buffet

“Trifles make the sum of life” 

A good day begins with a good, or even great breakfast. “But first, coffee”. – luckily, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are included when you stay with us. Find yourself a comfortable spot, and be amazed at the assortment of delicious dishes our team serves you each day. With attention to detail and variety, we do everything to treat you and your companions to the best possible breakfast experience. In addition to classic options like speciality sausages and cheeses, eggs cooked any way you like, bacon, salads, various desserts, fruit, cereal, and yoghurt dishes, our employees always include little “treats” they have discovered to share with our guests. 

Our breakfast buffet: 
Mo. – Fr. from 8:00 – 11:00 AM
Sa. – Su. + holidays from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Contact & reservation inquiries